Dr. Keena Arbuthnot received a PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, specializing in Psychometrics/Educational Measurement,
Applied Statistics, and Program Evaluation. She holds an MEd in Educational Psychology
and a BS in Mathematics. In 2005, Dr. Arbuthnot became a Lecturer on Education and
a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is the Joan Pender
McManus Distinguished Professor of Education at Louisiana State University and serves
as the Dean of the Graduate School and Vice President & Chief Data Officer.
Dr. Arbuthnot conducts research in the field of education and testing. She has published
many articles, has authored two books: Filling in the Blanks: Understanding the Black-White
Achievement Gap and Global Perspective on Educational Testing: Examining Fairness,
High-Stakes, and Policy Reform. She is recognized nationally and internationally for
her research on standardized testing and assessments, test fairness issues, and STEM
education and achievement. Dr. Arbuthnot started her career as a high school mathematics
teacher and acknowledges that her experiences in the classroom still has a significant
impact on her research and teaching.