LSU Ethics Institute

News & Events

The LSU Ethics Institute is the center of research, teaching, and training in the domain of ethics and human values.

Check out the amazing Embedded Ethics Modules developed with our LSU Ethics Institute faculty affiliates.  Thanks to a generous grant from the Louisiana Board of Regents we worked with 10 STEM faculty from across the University to bring moral reasoning to their classrooms!


Laura Murphy


Laura T. Murphy, Professor of Human Rights, Sheffield Hallam University; Former Policy Advisor, U.S. Department of Homeland Security will be giving a talk on "Fighting Uyghur Forced Labor: How Government, Researchers, Industry, and Civil Society Collaborate to Address Human Rights Abuses in China." The talk will be held on April 16th, at 3:30 PM in 143 Coates Hall.


Current  Projects


Embedding Ethics in STEM @ LSU

Over the course of the 2022-2023 academic year, The Ethics Institute has been very actively engaged in convening a group of scholars from various disciplines on campus to produce operative tools to strengthen ethics pedagogy throughout the university. This work has included consultation and dialogue with Ethics consortiums from around the country.

Learn more about the project and the modules.


You may submit requests for specific topics at The LSU Library has compiled an annotated bibliography of interesting and useful books on ethics, at the following site:

Ethics Bowl is a team-based activity in which udergraduate students compete to enhance our understanding of an ethical issue. Team members train by studying a set of cases in advance. In a typical match, a moderator poses a question to which the presenting team gives a detailed answer. The commentating team then responds with questions and criticisms, and the presenting team follows up with a reply. Finally, the presenting team takes questions from a panel of judges. Teams are evaluated on the basis of the clarity of their presentation, the degree to which they clearly identify and thoroughly discuss the central moral dimensions of the case, and whether they properly consider objections that would loom large in the reasoning of individuals who disagree with the team's position. Winners of regional competitions advance to nationals. The Ethics Bowl is a tremendous opportunity for students looking to enhance their ability to think critically and to communicate effectively about matters of pressing ethical concern.

Each fall, typically in late October or early November, the LSU Cecil L. Eubanks Ethics Bowl Team competes at a regional competition in San Antonio, TX. The 2024 team consisted of undergraduate students JT Beatty, Zachary Legier, Eliana Mulamula, and David Rico, with philosophy graduate student Brian Sopan as assistant coach and Dr. Anthony Kelley as head coach. The team competed meritoriously. LSU placed 7th out of 20 teams, which was the highest rank of any team from the state of Louisiana.

Interested students should contact Dr. Anthony Kelley for more information.

Joanna Wuest (Holyoke) will be giving a talk on February 26 at Hill Memorial Library at 3:30 PM. Her talk will be "Born This Way: Science, Citizenship, and Inequality in the American LGBTQ+ Movement."

LSU History Department and the LSU Ethics Institute Fall 2023 Lecture Series: Race, History, and Medicine, read the Lecture Series announcement.

November 6 at 4:00 pm in French House Sternberg Salon, Ogden Honors College. Speaker: Dr. Adolph Reed, Jr. (U Penn emeritus), contributing editor for The New Republic and frequent contributor to The Progressive and The Nation. Learn more about the Nov. 6 Event.

Friday October 27 at 3:30 pm in Hill Memorial Library. Speaker: Kathryn Olivarius, Necropolis: Disease, Power and Capitalism in the Cotton Kingdom. Learn more about the Oct. 27 Event.

Monday October 23 at 3:30 pm in Hill Memorial Library. Speaker: Kevin McQueeney, A City Without Care: 300 Years of Racism, Health Disparities and Health Care Activism in New Orleans. Learn more about the Oct.23 Event.

COVID-19 in Louisiana

Andrea Gallo (The Advocate): Louisiana Hospital's Crisis Response

Ethics & Crisis Management in Louisiana: Summary

Louisiana Department of Health: State Hospital Crisis Standards of Care

Medical Ethics

Hastings Center: Ethical Framework for Health Care

Hastings Center: Bioethics and Governmental Responsibility

STAT News: Research Ethics in a Pandemic

Johns Hopkins: Ethics and Policy Insights for COVID-19

Journal of Clinical Ethics: The JCE has compiled a set of articles on Catastrophic Care. They are open for public access. On the front page of the website is a box entitled "JCE Special Publication." At the bottom of the box there is a link to access the document.

New England Journal of Medicine: Fair Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources

Scott Hershovitz (New York Times): Rationing Essential Care: You Can Save One Person or Five, but Not All Six

The Ethics of Recovery

MIT: Stronger Pandemic Response Yields Better Economic Recovery

New York Times: Restarting America

Paul Franks (The Conversation): Comparing Nordic Strategies for COVID-19

Bernardo Kliksberg (BBVA): Re-Examining the Relationship Between Ethics and the Economy

Personal and Social Ethics

Laura Marris (New York Times): Camus's Inoculation Against Hate

Sean Illing (Vox): Social Solidarity

Sean Illing (Vox): Camus and the Plague

Allain de Botton (New York Times): Camus on the Coronavirus

TIME Magazine: Common Moral Questions Around Coronavirus

Orhan Pamuk (New York Times): What the Great Pandemic Novels Teach Us

Michiko Kakutani (New York Times): Coronavirus Notebook: Finding Solace, and Connection, in Classic Books

Robert Zaretsky (TLS): Out of a Clear Blue Sky: Camus's The Plague and Coronavirus


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