Headshot Image of Bryan McCann

Bryan J. McCann

Professor - Rhetoric & Cultural Studies

Affiliate Faculty, African and African American Studies 

Affiliate Faculty, Women's and Gender Studies

Bachelor's Degree(s): Illinois State University (2002)

Master's Degree: Illinois State University (2004)

PhD: The University of Texas at Austin (2009)

Phone: (225) 578-6813

E-mail: bryanm@lsu.edu

Office: 126 Coates Hall

Gender Pronouns: He/Him/His

curriculum vitae

Bryan J. McCann writes and teaches on topics such as crime and public culture, the cultural politics of higher education, mental illness and addiction, and social movements. He is the author of one book and has published articles in journals such as Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, and Women’s Studies in Communication.

CMST 2063 – Argumentation and Debate

CMST 3169 – Rhetoric of Social Movements

CMST 4162 – Crime, Communication, and Culture

CMST 7962 – Seminar in Rhetorical Criticism

CMST 7965 – Rhetoric and Social Theory

CMST 7970 – Rhetoric and Citizenship(s)

Northwest Communication Association Human Rights Award (2008)

National Communication Association Donald P. Cushman Memorial Award (2009)

Western States Communication Association B. Aubrey Fisher Outstanding Journal Article Award (2014)

National Communication Association Critical and Cultural Studies Division New Investigator Award (2014)

National Communication Association Karl. R. Wallace Memorial Award (2017)

Article Award, National Communication Association American Studies Division (2018)

Outstanding Article Award, National Communication Association Feminist and Gender Studies Division (2023)

McCann, Bryan J. “Economies of Misery: Success and Surplus in the Research University.” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 2022, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14791420.2022.2136393 

McCann, Bryan J. “Serial Murder as Modernist Ritual.” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 25 (2022): 51-76.

Self, Rico, Ashley Noel Mack, and Bryan J. McCann. “Bbymutha’s Readings as Black Queer Feminine Refusal.” QED: A Journal of GLBTQ Worldmaking 8 (2021): 1-24.

McCann, Bryan J. “Duplicity and the Depraved Uncanny in Mediations of Ted Bundy.” Women’s Studies in Communication 44 (2021): 340-59.

Mack, Ashley Noel and Bryan J. McCann. “‘Harvey Weinstein, Monster’: Anti-Blackness and the Myth of the Monstrous Rapist.” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 18 (2021): 103-20.

McCann, Bryan J. “Lynching and the University.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 107 (2021): 245-49.

McCann, Bryan J., Serap Erincin, Ashley Noel Mack, and William O. Saas. “When We Come Together, We Build Theory: Working the Second Shift in the Undercommon Enclave.” Journal of Autoethnography 2 (2021): 113-18.

McCann, Bryan J. “Lonely Young American: Queer Terrorist Recruitment and the Trope of the Child.” QED: A Journal of GLBTQ Worldmaking 7 (2020): 25-47.

McCann, Bryan J. “Finding Time and Space within the Text.” In The Conceit of Context: Resituating Domains in Rhetorical Studies. Edited by Charles E. Morris III and Kendall R. Phillips, 79-84. Peter Lang, 2020.

McCann, Bryan J., Ashley Noel Mack, and Rico Self. “Communication’s Quest for Whiteness: The Racial Politics of Disciplinary Legitimacy.” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 17 (2020): 243-52.

McCann, Bryan J. “Borders of Engagement: Rethinking Scholarship, Activism, and the Academy.” In Activism and Rhetoric, 2nd Ed. Edited by JongHwa Lee and Seth Kahn, 11-25. Routledge, 2019.

Mack, Ashley Noel and Bryan J. McCann. “Recalling Persky: White Rage and Intimate Publicity after Brock Turner.” Journal of Communication Inquiry 43 (2019): 372-93.

McCann, Bryan J. “Live, Virtual, and Spectral: Being Present at the Prison (Tour).” Text and Performance Quarterly 39 (2019): 95-115.