Kent Filbel

Kent Filbel

Senior Instructor, Undergraduate Advisor

Master's Degree:  Oregon State University
Phone:  (225) 578-6719
Office:  135 Coates Hall
Office Hours:  MWF 10:30-11:20, MWF 2:30-3:30

Curriculum Vita

Ancient Greek Religion and Rhetoric

Gay Spiritualities and Rhetoric

Silent Film Comedy

CMST 1150: Introduction to Communication Studies (2)

CMST 2064: Small Group Communication

CMST 3013: Topics In Film Genres:  Camp, Kitsch, and Trash 

Andrew King Award for Excellence (2017)

Guest lectured in REL 4050:  A History of God (2015)

Senior Instructor (2014 – present)

Dean Selection Committee, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (2014)

CMST Advisory Committee (2014 – present)

Faculty Appreciation certificate – Sigma Phi Epsilon (2013)