Patricia A. Suchy
Jack & Mary Frances HopKins Professor - Performance Studies
Program Director, Screen Arts
Bachelor's Degree: Ohio Wesleyan University, Theatre (1982)
MFA: Northwestern University, Theatre Directing (1985)
PhD: Northwestern University, Performance Studies (1995)
Phone: 225-578-6838
Office: 271 Coates Hall
Gender Pronouns: She/Her
Patricia A. Suchy (Trish) is the HopKins Professor of Communication Studies and Director of the Screen Arts program at Louisiana State University. She directs performances in the HopKins Black Box theatre and teaches courses in film history, documentary, Bakhtinian theory, and performance genres such as installation art and media theatre. She has served on the national Research Board for the National Communication Association (NCA) and chaired the Performance Studies Division of NCA. Her essays and video projects have appeared in Text and Performance Quarterly, Theatre Annual, CineAction,,, The Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, and On Site. She has directed over 40 performances and videos.
Suchy is a founding member of the Antarctic Artists and Writers Collective, a non-profit organization for past grantees of the National Science Foundation's Antarctic Artists and Writers Program. Her NSF Antarctic project, a video installation produced in collaboration with Vince LiCata, features video portraits made as re-enactments of photographs from the Heroic Age of Antarctic science entitled “Persistence of Vision: Antarctica."
CMST 2012 – Introduction to Film
CMST 3012 – History of Film
CMST 4141 - Analysis and Performance of Narrative
CMST 4142/4144 - Performing Installation Art
CMST 4312 - Topics in Critical Media Theory & Practice (Documentary; Video Poetry)
CMST 7944 - Performance and Media
CMST 7946 - Theory & Performance of Narrative Discourse: Bakhtin
SCRN 3001/4001 - Topics in Screen Arts (Films of Agnes Varda; Fellini Workshop; French New Wave
Methods; Experimental Film & Video)
2020 Leslie Irene Coger Award for Distinguished Performance, National Communication Association
2019 Marion Kleinau National Literary Adaptation Award
2018 Performance Studies Faculty Award, LSU Department of Communication Studies Graduate
2011 Flagship Faculty, Louisiana State University
2010 Tiger Athletic Foundation President’s Award
Faculty Adviser - Cinema Club of LSU from 1999 - 2006
Suchy, Patricia A. and Vince LiCata, Persistence of Vision: Antarctica. Videos re-edited, selected for Adequate Earth, a virtual exhibition sponsored by the Antarctic Artists and Writers Collective, curated by Ulrike Heine,, Jan. 28-May 22, 2021.
Suchy, Patricia A. with Vince LiCata, writers and performers; directed and edited
by Patricia A. Suchy.
"Shuffling into the Cold: A Video Essay" (23 mins.). For Exigere Video Essay Festival,
HopKins Black Box theatre Vimeo channel,, Feb 2-7, 2021.
Suchy, Patricia A. and Vince LiCata, Persistence of Vision: Antarctica. 38+ video
portraits installed in the
HopKins Black Box theatre, March 2017.
Tour: University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta CA (July 2019);
American Academy for the Advancement of Science, Washington DC (forthcoming TBA);
Pink Palace Museum, Memphis TN (Oct. 2020--postponed due to pandemic)
Suchy, Patricia A., writer and director. Housekeeping. Original adaptation of the novel by Marilynne Robinson. HopKins Black Box theatre, Dept. of Communication Studies, LSU, Oct. 2018.
Suchy, Patricia A., writer and director. Tracking Shots: A performance about trains in the history of cinema. Original performance with multimedia projections. HopKins Black Box theatre, Dept. of Communication Studies, LSU, March 2015
Suchy, Patricia A., co-producer, director, and co-editor. The French New Wave Project.
35”. Documentary video. Louisiana State University, 2013. Screenings:
Foreign Language Film Conference VI, Baton Rouge, Nov. 2013.
Southern States Communication Association, New Orleans, April 2014.
Foreign Language Film Festival, Manship Theatre, Shaw Center, Baton Rouge, May 2015.
LiCata, Vince (writer) and Patricia A. Suchy (director). DNA Story. Adaptation of the play by Vince LiCata, revised for videorecording, taped in 2014 in collaboration with Launch Media, currently in post-production for planned distribution to college and high school biology courses.
Suchy, Patricia A. and John LeBret, writers and directors. Pepper’s Ghost. Original performance adapted from the 18th-19th century performance form known as the phantasmagoria. HopKins Black Box Theatre, Dept. of Communication Studies, LSU, Oct.-Nov. 2012.
Suchy, Patricia A., writer and director. Beyond the Utmost Bound: A Performance about Antarctic Exploration, original script. HopKins Black Box Theatre, Dept. Of Communication Studies, LSU, Oct. 2010.
Suchy, Patricia A., James V. Catano, and Adelaide Russo, producers. Revisiting Flaherty’s
Louisiana Story. Documentary video, 64”. (2011):,265.
HopKins Black Box theatre, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, Nov. 2006
National Communication Association Conference, Chicago, IL, Nov. 2007
Alliance Center Museum and Art Gallery, Abbeville Cultural and Historical Alliance:
Vermilion Arts Council Carousel of the Arts Festival, Abbeville, LA, April 2008
Performance Studies International Conference, Copenhagen, DM, August 2008
Glassell Gallery Louisiana Film Festival, Shaw Center, Baton Rouge, LA, Sept. 2008.
Bongiorni, Kevin and Patricia A. Suchy. "The New Wave and Fellini Projects: Teaching Culture through Film Study, Practice, and Study Abroad." Modern Language Studies 49.1 (2019): 58-67.
Suchy, Patricia A. “New, Sound, and Tight.” Departures in Critical Qualitative Research 7.4 (2018): 171-175.
Suchy, Patricia A., Lisa Flanagan, Ross Louis, Sarah Jackson, Lexus Jordan, Tracy Stephenson Shaffer, and David Terry. “Portmanteaux Overflow.” (Lead author). Multimedia peer-reviewed web installation including essay, graphics, and video art. Global Performance Studies 2.1 (2018):
Suchy, Patricia A. “A Few Good Swedes.” Text and Performance Quarterly 38.1-2 (2018):
Suchy, Patricia A. “Dangerous Shores and Disorientated Penguins in Beyond the Utmost Bound: A Performance about Antarctic Exploration.” Text and Performance Quarterly 36.1 (2016).
Suchy, Patricia A., James V. Catano, and Adelaide Russo, producers. Revisiting Flaherty’s Louisiana Story. Documentary video, 64”. (2011):,265.
Suchy, Patricia A. and James V. Catano. “Revisiting Flaherty’s Louisiana Story.” Southern Spaces (April 2010):