Coates Outstanding Dissertation Award

The award amount is $1,000. Applicants must have completed a Ph.D. in Physics & Astronomy at LSU and must have graduated in the calendar year prior to the award.  The award will be announced at the annual Department Award Ceremony at the end of the spring semester. The dissertation will be judged on (1) clear and accessible writing, particularly in the introduction and conclusion sections, and (2) importance of the work as supported by the citation record for articles resulting from the thesis and nomination letters from the advisor and the committee. The highest ranked dissertation will be submitted for the College of Science Outstanding Dissertation Award and the University Dissertation Award.  If the dissertation does not receive one of those awards it will be awarded the Coates Scholarship. If it does receive the College or University award, the next highest-ranked application will receive the Coates Award.

Application Deadline  

  • April 1 by 4:00 pm (CST) for dissertations successfully defended anytime in that year. 

Application Procedure  

  • The student must fill out the application form below and submit all the additional materials outlined in the form. 
  • Please submit applications electronically – via the online link below.

Charles E. Coates Memorial Fund 

Charles E. Coates’ legacy of dedication to graduate study has been preserved over the years by the commitment, achievement, and high caliber of each class of graduate students. Their achievements could not be realized without the assistance of the Charles E. Coates Memorial Fund, established in 1964 in memory of one of LSU’s early professors of chemistry. The Coates Fund assists full-time chemical engineering, chemistry, and physics doctoral students in their research endeavors through four awards: outstanding dissertation, conference travel, research travel, and scholar research. 


Submission Link

Nomination Letters Link