Student Jobs

Employment with the CAS offers leadership opportunities for students throughout their academic career. Skills acquired provide student employees experiences that support academic and professional growth.

Supplemental Instruction is an exemplary, peer-led academic assistance program designed to help students succeed in challenging courses. Supplemental Instruction Leaders collaborate with faculty to organize and deliver additional study sessions to aid students in learning course material.

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  • Enrolled LSU student for at least one semester (6+ hours) 
  • Overall GPA of 3.0 or above
  • Credit or completion of LSU courses with a grade of A- or above (exceptions granted with faculty recommendation)
  • Prior enrollment with course instructor is preferred
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills


  • Work 10-12 hour/week
  • Attend mandatory 3-day pre-semester training
  • Conduct weekly study sessions using SI facilitation methods
  • Attend all classes for SI course
  • Conduct one weekly office hour for individual student questions
  • Meet with SI course instructor throughout semester


  • Earn $13.00/hr
  • Improve communication, presentation, & interpersonal skills
  • Advance ability to think quickly under pressure
  • Develop higher order thinking skills
  • Expand subject-specific knowledge and understanding
  • Practice stress and time management skills

The Center for Academic Success provides quality peer tutoring in LSU Library. Tutors guide students through homework & assignment concepts and apply effective learning strategies. 

For further information contact

Apply Here


  • Enrolled LSU student for at least one semester (6+ hours) 
  • Overall GPA of 3.0 or above
  • Credit or completion of LSU courses with a B+ or above
    • Preference for A- or above in CHEM, MATH, or PHYS
    • Exceptions granted with faculty recommendation

Work Requirements

  • Work 5-20 hours/week
  • Attend mandatory 2-day pre-semester training
  • Provide 1 on 1 or small-group tutoring to LSU students
  • Participate in required tutor certification process


  • Earn $11.00/hr
  • Improve communication & interpersonal skills
  • Advance ability to think quickly under pressure
  • Develop higher order thinking skills
  • Expand subject-specific knowledge and understanding
  • Practice stress and time management skills

The Shell Tutorial Center serves many LSU students each semester through the assistance of the Support Staff. 

For further information contact

Apply Here


  • Enrolled LSU student
  • Overall GPA of 2.0 or above
  • Dependable, organized, detail-oriented & friendly

Work Requirements

  • Work 5-20 hours/week
  • Attend mandatory  pre-semester training
  • Collaborate with STC staff to ensure that students receive service in a timely manner
  • Assist students through front desk operations


  • Earn $8.00/hr
  • Improve customer service and interpersonal skills
  • Advance ability to think quickly under pressure