Faculty & Staff
Contact Information |
Cleo Allen Adjunct Instructor |
Wendell Gray Switzer Jr. Endowed Chair in Media Literacy; Professional-in-Residence |
Associate Professor, Political Communication; Remal Das and Lachmi Devi Bhatia Memorial
Professor |
Dean, Manship School of Mass Communication |
Adjunct Instructor |
Assistant Dean for Finance |
Business Manager, Student Media |
Distinguished Professor; Senior Fellow in the Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs |
Professor, Public Relations; Bart R. Swanson Endowed Memorial Professor |
Cory Cart Adjunct Instructor |
Tiger TV Adviser; Professional-in-Residence |
Assistant Professor, Political Communication Office: 255 Hodges Hall Email: catherinechen@lsu.edu |
Assistant Professor, Digital Advertising Office: 226 Hodges Hall Email: roycechoi@lsu.edu |
Kevin P. Reilly Sr. Endowed Chair in Political Communication Office: 240 Hodges Hall Email: charlescook@lsu.edu |
Professor Emeritus |
Professor Emerita |
Program Coordinator, Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs |
Adjunct Instructor |
Distinguished Professor |
Journalism Area Head; Senior Instructor, Journalism |
Fred Jones Greer Jr. Chair in Media Business and Ethics; Professional-in-Residence |
Adjunct Instructor |
Rob Engle Adjunct Instructor |
Director, Student Media; Broadcast Engineer & KLSU Adviser |
HR Analyst
Professional-in-Residence; Reveille Adviser |
Doris Westmoreland Darden Professor |
Senior Assistant Dean of Student Services |
Michelle Guilbeau Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor |
Gail Hagan Head Supervisor, Public Policy Research Lab |
Hopkins P. Breazeale Professor of Journalism, LSU; Senior Scholar, Woodrow Wilson
International Center, Washington, D.C. |
Douglas L. Manship Sr.-Dori Maynard Race, Media, and Cultural Literacy Endowed Chair
Data Manager |
Political Communication Area Head; Associate Professor; Tom Jarreau Hardin Professor |
Director of Development, LSU Foundation |
Joshua Howard Adjunct Instructor |
Jasmine Hunter Adjunct Instructor |
Assistant Professor, Sports Communication |
Digital Advertising Area Head; John H. Bateman Professor; Associate Professor |
Associate Professor; Darlene and Thomas O. Ryder Professor |
Pamela Labbe Adjunct Instructor |
Assistant Professor |
Student Engagement Coordinator |
Professor Emerita |
Student Media Operations Coordinator |
Academic Counselor |
Professor Emeritus |
Associate Professor in Media Law |
Executive Assistant to the Dean |
Advertising Manager, Student Media |
Assistant Professor in Media & Public Affairs |
Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor |
Academic Counselor |
Professional-in-Residence |
Professional-in-Residence |
Interim Associate Dean for Research and Strategic Initiatives; Professor; Blue Cross/Blue
Shield Louisiana Professor, Health Communication |
Associate Professor Emeritus |
Assistant Professor, Digital Advertising |
Professor; Doris Westmoreland Darden Professor |
Rick Portier Adjunct Instructor |
Phil Rainier Adjunct Instructor |
Assistant Professor in Media Law |
Professional-in-Residence in Sports Broadcasting |
Student Engagement & Outreach Manager |
Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies; Professor; Katheryn Pate Callahan Professor |
Professional-in-Residence Emeritus |
Kelci Sibley Adjunct Instructor |
Kyle Stanley Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor |
Bonnie Smith Advertising Coordinator, Student Media |
Assistant Professor |
Robyn Stiles Adjunct Instructor |
Associate Professor; George D. Nelson Professor |
Adjunct Instructor |
Dyrel Treadwell Scheduling Supervisor, Public Policy Research Lab |
Assistant Professor, Political Communication |
Chloe Wiley Adjunct Instructor |
Public Relations Area Head; Public Relations Senior Instructor |
Cynthia Williamson Hiring Manager, Public Policy Research Lab |
Assistant Professor |
Jessica Wyers Adjunct Instructor |
Adjunct Instructor |
Associate Professor, Public Relations; Director, Media Effects Lab; Darlene and Thomas
O. Ryder Professor |
Adjunct Instructor |
Ryan Vasquez Adjunct Instructor |
Elizabeth Blades Vowell Adjunct Instructor |