Microelectronics Security and Reliability Assurance
Enabled Security Assessment
Quantum Computing
Farheen, Tasnuva, Cannon, A., Jia Di, Shahin Tajik and D. Forte. “Amnesiac Memory:
A Self-Destructive Polymorphic Mechanism Against Cold Boot Data Remanence Attack “ACM
Great Lake Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), 2024.
Farheen, Tasnuva, Roy, Sourav, Cannon, A., Jia Di, Shahin Tajik and D. Forte. “Calibratable
Polymorphic Temperature Sensor for Detecting Temperature Assisted Side-channel and
Fault Injection Attacks “IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security
and Trust, HOST, 2024.
Farheen, Tasnuva, Sourav Roy, Shahin Tajik, and Domenic Forte. "A twofold clock and
voltage based detection method for laser logic state imaging attack." In IEEE Transactions
on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 31, no. 1 (2022): 65-78.
Farheen, Tasnuva, Ulbert Botero, Nitin Varshney, Damon L. Woodard, Mark Tehranipoor,
Domenic Forte, and Haoting Shen. "Proof of reverse engineering barrier: SEM image
analysis on covert gates." In International Symposium on Testing and Failure Analysis
(ISTFA), 2021, pp. 179-189. ASM International, 2021. (Best Paper Nomination)
Farheen, Tasnuva, Shahin Tajik, and Domenic Forte. "SPRED: Spatially Distributed Laser
Fault Injection Resilient Design." In 2023 24th International Symposium on Quality
Electronic Design (ISQED), pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2023.
Cannon, A., T. Farheen, S. Roy, S. Tajik, and D. Forte. "Protection Against Physical
Attacks Through Self-Destructive Polymorphic Latch." In International Conference on
Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD). 2023.
Roy, Sourav, Tasnuva Farheen, Shahin Tajik, and Domenic Forte. "Self-timed sensors
for detecting static optical side channel attacks." In 2022 23rd International Symposium
on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2022.
Holzhausen, Ryan, Tasnuva Farheen, Morgan Thomas, Nima Maghari, and Domenic Forte.
"Laser Fault Injection Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation with Case Study on
PG-TVD Logic Cells." In International Test Conference (ITC), 2023.
Hardware Demo finalist at IEEE Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust,
NSF Grant Recipient for HOST 2022,2023
Honorable mention in Best Poster Award at WISE 2022
Annette Cornwell Bauer Scholarship 2022
DAC Fellowship Award 2022
UF Graduate Research Poster Finalist, 2022
Best Paper Award at ISTFA, 2021
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