M.Sc. Degree Requirements

Students are responsible for reviewing and understanding all degree requirements for the master’s program, including those set by the LSU Graduate School. While master’s degree programs must be completed within five years, full-time students typically finish within 21 months. Coursework at LSU that exceeds the five-year limit may be validated by the graduate committee, usually through an examination. MS students are generally not eligible for departmental financial aid beyond the 21-month period. 

The MS degree offers both thesis and non-thesis options, requiring either a thesis or a special project. Three concentrations are available: core computer science, computational science, and systems science. 

A minimum of 37 graduate-level credit hours is required for both options:

Thesis option Non-thesis option

Includes twelve thesis credits (CSC 8000)

Includes six non-thesis project credits (CSC 7090)

For all concentrations and options, at least half of the coursework, including core and electives, must be at the 7000 level. Students must also submit a written MS thesis or project report and pass a final exam, defending their thesis or project before an advisory committee.

For more information regarding the requirements for MCSC please view the General Catalog requirements, as well as the Graduate Admission Requirements.

  • A nine-credit core coursework requirement, with three credits in each of the three core areas.
  • Non-thesis option: At least 21 additional credit hours, excluding independent study (CSC 7999).
  • Thesis option: At least 15 additional credit hours, excluding independent study (CSC 7999).
  • Participation in the graduate seminar course, CSC 7800.

All MS students are required to complete at least three courses (totaling nine credit hours), selecting one course from each of the following categories:


CSC 4890
Introduction to Theory of Computation (3) 
CSC 7300
Algorithms (3)



CSC 4101
Programming Languages (3)
CSC 4103
Operating Systems (3)
CSC 7101
Programming Language Structures (3)
CSC 7103
Advanced Operating Systems (3)



CSC 4402
Intro to Database Management Systems (3)
CSC 4444
Artificial Intelligence (3)
CSC 7333
Machine Learning (3)
CSC 7402
Advanced Database Systems (3)
CSC 7442
Data Mining (3)

Students must pass each core course with a minimum grade of B-. If a grade lower than B- is received, the student must either retake the course or select an alternative core course. Core courses are generally offered once a year, and students are expected to enroll in at least one core course during their first semester. Meeting with the graduate advisor early on is recommended to ensure timely progress through the required coursework. 

Additionally, students are required to enroll in CSC 7800: Research Seminar (one credit) during their first year. 

The thesis option (CSC 8000) requires 12 credit hours, while the project option (CSC 7090) requires six credit hours. Before beginning thesis or project work, students must form an advisory committee and obtain approval from the committee chair (major professor).

The program offers three concentrations: Core Computer Science, Computational Science, and Systems Science. Students must select a concentration and choose either a thesis or project track. Elective requirements vary based on the selected concentration and thesis/project option. 

All students are initially enrolled in the Core Computer Science concentration with a project option. If students wish to change their concentration or opt for the thesis track, they must complete a Plan of Study form by the end of their first year. 

For elective coursework, a maximum of six credit hours from interdisciplinary courses outside the department is permitted for the Core Computer Science concentration. For the Computational Science and Systems Science concentrations, students may take up to 12 credit hours of interdisciplinary electives. 

Please note that credit hours earned in CSC 7999: Independent Study are not applicable toward degree requirements. 

All MS students are required to maintain continuous enrollment in courses and project/thesis hours as outlined in their plan of study. To make changes to the plan (e.g., substituting courses for those listed on the form), students must first obtain approval from the graduate advisor. Students who do not achieve a grade of B- or higher in each of the three core courses after two attempts will be dismissed from the program. To meet the residency requirement, students must complete two consecutive semesters of full-time coursework following the approval of their plan of study.

The student must establish a graduate advisory committee, with a faculty member from the CSE Division as the committee chair (major professor) and two additional members. Approval from the committee chair must be obtained before starting the thesis or project work, which should begin by the third semester (or earlier) and span at least two consecutive semesters. The student will submit a written thesis or project report and complete a final oral examination to defend their work before the advisory committee. 

The student is required to submit a written thesis or project report and pass a final oral examination, defending their work before the advisory committee. For the project or thesis work, the student should enroll in only three credit hours in CSC 7090 (project) or six credit hours in CSC 8000 (thesis) per semester. Additional registration hours in CSC 7090 or CSC 8000 are permitted only with approval from both the advisory committee and the graduate advisor.

MS students are expected to conduct independent research or a project addressing a significant problem in computer science. Each student must prepare a project or thesis report detailing their original, independent work and submit it to their advisory committee. The student will then defend their work in a public oral examination (referred to as the MS Final Exam or MS Defense) before the advisory committee.

Faculty and other students are welcome to attend the seminar. Final approval from the advisory committee and the LSU Graduate School constitutes completion of the requirements for the master's degree. The student must provide the committee with their report at least two weeks before the exam date. Additionally, the room, date, and time of the exam, along with the title and abstract of the MS project or thesis, must be announced at least three working days prior to the exam. Failure to follow these procedures may result in the exam being postponed. 

  • Five electives (15 credit hours) must be selected within the student’s chosen concentration area.
  • A total of 12 credit hours (six per semester) are required in CSC 8000.

  • Seven electives (21 credit hours) must be chosen within the student’s concentration area.
  • A total of six credit hours (three per semester) are required in CSC 7090.

Accelerated Master’s Program

The Accelerated MS program enables students to earn both a Bachelor of Science (BS) and a Master of Science (MS) degree in just five years. Participants in this program collaborate closely with faculty advisors to customize their undergraduate coursework, ensuring that their technical credits lay a solid foundation for their MS thesis or project.

Admission Requirements

  • Students must have a 3.5 cumulative GPA.
  • Students must have 60 undergraduate hours completed at LSU.


Students may take up to half of the required credit hours for their M.Sc. degree as undergraduates, allowing them to complete a maximum of 12 credit hours while still enrolled in their undergraduate program. These 12 hours can also be applied toward their undergraduate degree. Once students reach this limit, they are no longer permitted to enroll in M.Sc. courses until they have completed their undergraduate degree. 

For more detailed information about the requirements for an M.Sc. in Computer Science, please refer to the MS Policy, Requirements & Forms.

  • Complete Personal Information: Fill in all personal details, which can typically be found on the student’s degree audit or unofficial transcript. 
  • Course Information: Provide the required information for each course, as outlined on the form. 
  • Obtain Signatures: Gather the signatures of three professors who will serve on your advisory committee. Your Major Professor should be the primary faculty member you will work with during your MS program. 
  • The Chair of the department must also sign the form. Please ensure that the Chairperson signs in both designated areas (as the Chair of the Computer Science department and as the Chair of the Proposed Department or Interdisciplinary Program). 
  • The second signature will be from the Dean of the college, which can be obtained from an advisor at the Student Services Center located on the second floor of Patrick F. Taylor Hall. 
  • Final Signature: The final signature will be provided when you submit the form to the Graduate School. 
  • Submission: Once all signatures are obtained, the form is complete and can be submitted to gradsvcs@lsu.edu 

Master's Timeline