CSC 7740: Big Data Systems and Application Development
Big Data Management and Analytics
Distributed Data-Intensive Computing
Deep Learning-Based Analytics
Spatial Data Management
Social Network Analytics
Park, J. H., Lim, B. Y., Lee, K., & Kwon, H. Y. (2024). Saan 2l-grl: Two-level graph
representation learning empowered with subgraph-as-a-node. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge
and Data Engineering.
You, J., Lee, K., & Kwon, H. Y. (2024). DeepScraper: A complete and efficient tweet
scraping method using authenticated multiprocessing. Data & Knowledge Engineering,
149, 102260.
Lam, N. S., Meyer, M., Reams, M., Yang, S., Lee, K., Zou, L., ... & Cai, H. (2023).
Improving social media use for disaster resilience: challenges and strategies. International
Journal of Digital Earth, 16(1), 3023-3044.
Park, J. H., Lee, K., & Kwon, H. Y. (2023, December). Two-Level Graph Representation
Learning with Community-as-a-Node Graphs. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on
Data Mining (ICDM) (pp. 1259-1264). IEEE.
Al-Maabreh, O., Hoque, M., Lee, Y., Lee, K., & Ghannad, P. Revealing Inherent Rules
and Validation Frameworks for Evaluating BIM Data Regarding Disaster-and Resilience-Related
Regulations. In Computing in Civil Engineering 2023 (pp. 1063-1071).
Hoque, M. U., Lee, K., Beyer, J. L., Curran, S. R., Gonser, K. S., Lam, N. S., ...
& Wang, K. (2022). Analyzing tweeting patterns and public engagement on twitter during
the recognition period of the covid-19 pandemic: A study of two us states. IEEE Access,
10, 72879-72894.
Park, G., Heo, Y. S., Lee, K., & Kwon, H. Y. (2022). A parallel and accurate method
for large-scale image segmentation on a cloud environment. The Journal of Supercomputing,
78(3), 4330-4357.
Shin, H., Lee, K., & Kwon, H. Y. (2022). A comparative experimental study of distributed
storage engines for big spatial data processing using GeoSpark. The Journal of supercomputing,
78(2), 2556-2579.
Kim, M. S., Lim, B. Y., Lee, K., & Kwon, H. Y. (2022). Effective Model Update for
Adaptive Classification of Text Streams in a Distributed Learning Environment. Sensors,
22(23), 9298.
Zhou, Y., Ren, J., Dou, D., Jin, R., Zheng, J., & Lee, K. (2020, November). Robust
meta network embedding against adversarial attacks. In 2020 IEEE International Conference
on Data Mining (ICDM) (pp. 1448-1453). IEEE.
2020: Tiger Athletic Foundation Undergraduate Teaching Award
2023-2026: Source: National Science Foundation (NSF), Title: Collaborative Research:
HNDS-I: Cyberinfrastructure for Human Dynamics and Resilience Research, $1.1M in total,
$500,000 for LSU.
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