
Monitoring System Could Save Lubricant, Food Industries Millions Each Year
LSU researchers have invented an automated sensor that could drastically reduce waste for grease and food manufacturers, saving each U.S. industry millions of dollars a year.

LSU Celebrates Six Rainmakers
Six LSU faculty members have been selected as Rainmakers by the LSU Council on Research based on their outstanding scholarship and creative activity within their respective ranks and disciplines. The Rainmaker awards recognize sustained work with high impact, often in alignment with LSU's Scholarship First Agenda to improve lives in Louisiana and across the world.

New Antibiotics May End Chronic Infections, Slash Billions in Health Care Costs
An LSU-led research team is developing a new class of antibiotics capable of bypassing the defenses of drug-resistant bacteria, which otherwise make it difficult to cure chronic infections.

LSU Invests $1.8M in Transformative Research and the Arts
The LSU Provost's Fund for Innovation in Research has invested $1.8 million in seed funding for interdisciplinary research and creative works to improve lives in Louisiana and around the world. This is the third year of Provost's Fund investment, an internal grant program that supports the university's fierce commitment to Scholarship First, drive LSU's national prominence as a top research university, and increase the competitiveness of LSU scholars in their pursuit of federal and extramural funding.

LSU Researchers Create Low-Cost Method to Recycle Plastic
LSU researchers have created a new, low-cost way to break down plastic, a potential breakthrough that could save billions of dollars and eliminate billions of tons of plastic pollution.

LSU Names Sean Courtney Associate Vice President for Research Compliance, Integrity and Analytics
Louisiana State University has appointed Sean Courtney to the inaugural position of associate vice president for research compliance, integrity, and analytics.

National Science Foundation Confirms Record Research Growth at LSU
Last week, the National Science Foundation confirmed LSU's record research expenditures of $488 million in fiscal year 2023. This historic growth of 14% compared to 2022 was previously announced by LSU and represents top performance alongside research university peers such as the University of Kentucky and the University of Tennessee. The growth reflects increased research activity across the LSU Family--especially on the flagship campus and at LSU Health New Orleans and LSU Health Shreveport.

LSU Researchers Excavate Earliest Ancient Maya Salt Works
With funding from the National Science Foundation, a team of archaeologists from LSU and the University of Texas at Tyler have excavated the earliest known ancient Maya salt works in southern Belize, as reported in the journal Antiquity. The team was led by LSU Alumni Professor Heather McKillop, who first discovered wooden buildings preserved there below the sea floor, along with associated artifacts, and the only ancient Maya wooden canoe paddle in 2004. Her key collaborator, Assistant Professor Elizabeth Sills at the University of Texas at Tyler, began working with McKillop as a master's student and then as a doctoral student at LSU.

LSU Invited to Join Prestigious Military Association
LSU has been unanimously invited to join the prestigious Association of Military Colleges and Schools of the United States, or AMCSUS. The invitation was issued because of the university's long-standing military tradition, active ROTC programs, and its current efforts to support the U.S. military through cybersecurity research and education.

New LSU Construction & Advanced Manufacturing Building Aims to Elevate Louisiana’s Economy
LSU marked the final day of President William F. Tate IV’s statewide bus tour by announcing the vision for a new $107 million Construction & Advanced Manufacturing Building and a $15 million leadership gift from Art Favre, founder of Performance Contractors and a graduate of the first LSU construction management class in 1972.