The Chair and the Secretary to the Board shall be the chair and secretary respectively of the Executive Committee. The Chair-Elect and the Immediate Past Chair shall automatically be members of the executive committee. The Chair-Elect of the Board shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair. The Immediate Past Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair and the Chair-Elect. In the event all three such officers are absent from a Board meeting, the committee shall elect a temporary chair from those present to preside over such meeting.
The Executive Committee shall consist of no less than seven (7) members including the Chair of the Board, the Chair-Elect and the Immediate Past Chair, and such other members as the Chair may appoint. The Executive Committee shall consider such matters as shall be referred to it by the Board of Supervisors and shall execute such orders and resolutions as shall be assigned to it at any meeting of the Board. It shall be the further duty of the Executive Committee to take such action as may be necessary in the event that any emergency requiring immediate action shall arise between Board meetings. All acts of the Executive Committee shall be submitted to the Board for ratification, or rejection, at its next meeting, except in matters where the Board shall have delegated to the Executive Committee full power to act with respect to any matter. Affirmative action by a majority of the entire membership of the Executive Committee shall be required.
This committee engages in matters related to the training and professional development of Supervisors for the improvement of the body in governing the university. Tasks shall include oversight of the annual Board evaluation, presidential evaluation, professional development programs, and Board office operations. This committee shall also monitor legal, ethical, Bylaw, and Regulation compliance of Supervisors and adjudicate allegations against Supervisors and recommend sanctions.
- Scott Ballard, Chair
- Rico Alvendia
- Rebecca Boniol
- John Carmouche
- Valencia Sarpy Jones
- Lee Mallett
- Rémy Voisin Starns
- James Williams
- Blaise Zuschlag
Normally, to this committee shall be referred all matters concerning the long-term academic goals of each campus, implementation strategies, analyses of campus enterprise-wide resources and mission objectives, student achievement issues, the review and approval of academic programs, centers, and institutes to advance the mission of the institution, faculty recruitment and development issues, issues of academic accountability, and the development of incentives for a competitive academic environment. Pertaining to faculty, the committee shall require information about diversity and inclusion efforts related to academic staff employment. This committee is also tasked with matters assuring equitable access for underrepresented students and diversity among the study body. Also, honorifics and namings shall be heard by this committee.
- Rebecca Boniol, Chair
- Rico Alvendia, Vice-Chair
- Valencia Sarpy Jones
- Lee Mallett
- Patrick Morrow
- Emily Otken
- Rémy Voisin Starns
- Collis Temple, Jr.
- James Williams
Normally, to this committee shall be referred matters of policy concerning intercollegiate athletics of the University. In acting upon said matters, the Committee shall have the benefit of the advice and recommendation of the appropriate Athletic Councils. The committee shall request information and report as necessary on diversity and inclusion aspects of the athletic departments.
- John Carmouche, Chair
- James Williams, Vice-Chair
- Laurie Lipsey Aronson
- Rebecca Boniol
- Randy Morris
- Rémy Voisin Starns
- Collis Temple, Jr.
- Blaise Zuschlag
Normally, to this committee shall be referred matters pertaining to initiatives to enhance the university’s overall reputation, mission and strategic objectives. The matters shall include the protection and promotion of the university’s brand, updates on communications and branding of the university, and matters involving university communication initiatives. The committee shall also be referred matters pertaining to the coordination, development, and promotion of communication messages on significant policy matters. The committee shall assist in advocating for the needs of the university with various state and federal entities.
- Lee Mallett, Chair
- Blaise Zuschlag, Vice-Chair
- Rico Alvendia
- Laurie Lipsey Aronson
- Rebecca Boniol
- John Carmouche
- Esperanza Moran
- Randy Morris
- Patrick Morrow
- Rémy Voisin Starns
- Collis Temple, Jr.
Normally, to this committee shall be referred all matters related to administrative, financial and facility matters in support of issues or policies promoted or addressed by other committees. This committee shall develop strategies for revenue enhancement and diversification, expenditure efficiencies, revenue reallocation, and diversity supplier programs. The committee in addition shall devise and coordinate employee benefit packages, oversee administrative operations and regulations, and approve scholarship programs. The committee shall also oversee the relationship with affiliated organizations and business partners.
- Lee Mallett, Chair
- Blaise Zuschlag, Vice-Chair
- Laurie Lipsey Aronson
- Rebecca Boniol
- John Carmouche
- Randy Morris
- Patrick Morrow
Normally, to this committee shall be referred matters concerning the education and training of students, the operation and management of the LSU Health Sciences Centers, including all components of the Health Care Services Division. This committee shall also focus on the state’s healthcare delivery, training of health professionals to serve the need, to diversify the health professional workforce, and cover matters related to serving underserved areas.
- Esperanza Moran, Chair
- Randy Morris, Vice-Chair
- Rico Alvendia
- John Carmouche
- Valencia Sarpy Jones
- Emily Otken
- James Williams
- Blaise Zuschlag
Normally, to this committee shall be referred all matters related to capital improvements, policies of management of all properties of the University, purchase or sale of land, lease or grant of rights in property, construction of buildings and other facilities, diversification of services used to maintain the assets, and other matters concerning the properties of the University.
- Laurie Lipsey Aronson, Chair
- Patrick Morrow, Vice-Chair
- Rico Alvendia
- Rebecca Boniol
- Lee Mallett
- Randy Morris
- Emily Otken
- Collis Temple
- Blaise Zuschlag
Under the provisions of the 1862 Morrill Act and concurrence of the State of Louisiana, the University entered in an agreement with the federal government in which the University would provide for military training, and “teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts…”. In addition to the funding from the Morril Act, subsequent federal enactments provided support for agricultural research and extension initiatives. In 1887, the Hatch Act was passed providing funding to land-grant institutions for the creation of agricultural experiment stations and in 1914, the Smith-Lever Act was passed to fund the extension service with the responsibility of disseminating research based information to agricultural producers and stakeholders. Normally, to this committee shall be those items that are in fulfillment of the land-grant mission and referred items shall relate for the promotion of agricultural sciences, animal husbandry, nutrition, rural development, engineering, and military science. Additionally, referred to this committee will be items related to the use of the University’s statewide outreach system in support of the state’s broadband expansion and transmission of governmental services. This committee will also consider diversity and inclusion efforts within the research enterprise and service the citizenry.
- Collis Temple, Jr., Chair
- Randy Morris, Vice-Chair
- Glenn Armentor
- Rebecca Boniol
- Lee Mallett
- Esperanza Moran
- Emily Otken
- Rémy Voisin Starns
Normally to this committee shall be matters related to the identification, assessment, and mitigation of risk to the Board and University. This committee may also take up matters related to relationships between the University and external organizations that be viewed as representing the University’s interest. The committee shall maintain three sub-committees:
- Rémy Voisin Starns, Chair
- James Williams, Vice-Chair
- Rico Alvendia
- Glenn Armentor
- Laurie Lipsey Aronson
- Rebecca Boniol
- John Carmouche
- Valencia Sarpy Jones
- Lee Mallett
- Esperanza Moran
- Randy Morris
- Patrick Morrow
- Emily Otken
- Collis Temple
- Blaise Zuschlag
1. Legal Affairs Sub-Committee
Normally, to this committee shall be referred matters relating to the university’s legal and regulatory issues, including current and potential litigation; new or changing laws and regulations that may affect the University; university legal services related to patents, mineral rights, and contract negotiation; sexual harassment and Title IX compliance; compliance with anti-discrimination laws and regulations in employment and enrollment; and compliance with the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics.
- Rebecca Boniol, Chair
- Rico Alvendia, Vice-Chair
- John Carmouche
- Valencia Sarpy Jones
- Patrick Morrow
- Rémy Voisin Starns
- James Williams
2. Audit Sub-Committee
Normally, to this committee shall be referred matters relating to the University Audit Plan, risk assessment, reviewing both internal and external audit reports, monitoring and auditing financial controls, diversity and inclusion programs, affiliation relationship overview, and reviewing rules and regulations concerning compliance.
- Randy Morris, Chair
- John Carmouche, Vice-Chair
- Rico Alvendia
- Laurie Lipsey Aronson
- Rebecca Boniol
- Lee Mallett
- Esperanza Moran
- Collis Temple, Jr.
- Blaise Zuschlag
This committee shall meet as a committee of the whole. Normally, to this committee shall be referred all matters related to equal rights and opportunities, especially those related to compliance with federal and state laws governing discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sex, religion, disability, national origin or any other protected characteristic. The committee may consider policies for sex and power-based transgressions, physical and programmatic access of citizens with varying needs, equal opportunity programs, and policies for anti-discrimination. In addition, it may be referred general matters related to diversity, equity, and inclusion not specifically referred to other Board Committees. This committee will also serve as the liaison to the Office of Inclusion, Civil Rights & Title IX.
- Rico Alvendia, Chair
- Rebecca Boniol, Vice-Chair
- Rémy Voisin Starns
- Glenn Armentor
- Laurie Lipsey Aronson
- John Carmouche
- Valencia Sarpy Jones
- Lee Mallett
- Esperanza Moran
- Randy Morris
- Patrick Morrow
- Emily Otken
- Collis Temple, Jr.
- James Williams
- Blaise Zuschlag
- Patrick Morrow, Chair
- Glenn Armentor, Vice-Chair
- Laurie Lipsey Aronson
- Rico Alvendia
- Valencia Sarpy Jones
- Randy Morris
- Emily Otken
- Rémy Voisin Starns
- Laurie Lipsey Aronson
- Valencia Sarpy Jones
- Rémy Voisin Starns
- Collis Temple, Jr.